Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution formed by two words, industrial, and revolution. Industrial (Wikipedia, 2013), is a segment of economy, meanwhile revolution (Wikipedia, 2013), is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. So, Industrial Revolution can be stated as fundamental mass change of economy, especially on the way of producting, that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Industrial revolution itself happened in Britain, from 18th to 19th centuries. (Available at: )


Reasons why industrial revolution takes place in Britain because Britain supported by the existence of coal—the most important fuel—in strategic place (BBC, 2013), good development of scientifics, supported by agraria revolution that happened at 16th century (Mhanoorunk, 2011), trade-oriented people, political liberalism, naval power, and neo-imperialism. (Available at: )
Changes that occurs because of industrial revolution in Britain are the change of economic system which the most Britain and Europe in the late of 17th is agrarian, then become industrial and urban. Before the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines, small industries. But because the industrialization, manufacturing change to special-purpose machinery, big factories and mass production. (Available at:

child labor. source:
Effects of industrial revolution are make the economy system become more effective, greater income for the industries, great development in engineering. There also several negative effects such as poor living condition of the people (especially for the workers), urbanization, child labor, disease, differential class at the society, and polution. It also make capitalism, sosialism, and neo-imperialism developed (Mhanoorunk, 2011). (Available at: )
Industrial revolution is one of a fundamental change of economy which is very important. It gives contributions to the world’s economy at 19th centuries, also be as our fundamental elements economics system nowadays, and the future.


Mhanoorunk, L.A van. (2011). Revolusi Industri. Available [on line] (retrieve date 17 Oktober 2013)
Wikipedia (2013). Industrial. Available [on line] (retrieve date 17 Oktober 2013)
Wikipedia (2013). Revolution. Available [on line] (retrieve date 17 Oktober 2013)
BBC (2013). Why the Industrial Revolution Happened in Britain. Available [on line]. (retrieve date  17 Oktober 2013) (retrieve date 17 Oktober 2013).

sorry for my bad grammar, i'm still learning too :"))


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